We are very pleased to announce that there is a new Doctor in the house! Boris Leistedt passed his PhD viva titled “Accurate Cosmology with Galaxy and Quasar Surveys” with flying colours. We also celebrate Boris’s success in the recent postdoctoral job season: having received offers of several prestigious fellowships in the USA and Europe, Boris has decided to take up a Simons Fellowship at New York University to continue his highly innovative work in survey cosmology. Congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Leistedt!

The newly-minted Dr. Leistedt with thesis examiners Prof. Alan Heavens (right) and Dr. Benjamin Joachimi (left) after a successful viva.

Three academic generations: Hiranya Peiris and Jason McEwen with the new Dr Leistedt, former PhD student Dr Stephen Feeney, and new PhD student Keir Rogers, at the PhD celebration.