Here is a list of workshops we are/were involved in organizing.
Coming up:
COSMO21: Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology @ Greece (2016)
Alan Turing Institute Summit: Big Data in the Physical Sciences (2015)
Accurate Astrophysics – Correct Cosmology @ London (2015)
Next-Generation Radio Interferometric Imaging for the SKA (2015)
BASP Frontiers Workshop @ Villars-sur-Ollon (2015)
BASP Frontiers Workshop @ Villars-sur-Ollon (2013)
Unsolved Problems in Astrophysics and Cosmology @ Benasque (2011)
BASP Frontiers Workshop @ Villars-sur-Ollon (2011)
35th International Conference on High Energy Physics (ICHEP) @ Paris (2010)
Modern Cosmology @ Snowdon (2008)
Life beyond the Gaussian @ KICP, Chicago (2007)