Congratulations to Hiranya Peiris on her recent appointment to Director of the Oskar Klein Centre for Cosmoparticle Physics in Stockholm! Her new position means that Hiranya will be sharing her time (~50/50) between the Oskar Klein Centre and UCL for up to 5 years. Read Ariel Goobar’s welcoming post as the outgoing director.
With the end of session, we also say a fond farewell to several members of the team as they move on to pastures new; including Franz Elsner, Nina Roth, Michelle Lochner and Marc Manera, and also to Will Handley who joined us for a gap postdoc before embarking on a Junior Research Fellowship at Caius College, Cambridge.

Left to right: Franz Elsner, Boris Leistedt, Michelle Lochner and Michelle’s Mum!

One end of the table at the leavers lunch! Left to right: Will Handley, Andrew Pontzen, Hiranya Peiris, Franz Elsner, Boris Leistedt and Michelle Lochner.

… And here’s the other end! Left to right: Michelle Lochner, Michelle’s Mum, Daniela Saadeh, Bruno Moraes, Keir Rogers, Robert Schuhmann and Luisa Lucie-Smith.